Wednesday 6 August 2014

Starting Secondary School

The first day of Secondary school (Or High School which ever one your prefer) is always a nerve racking day because your coming from your primary school where you know everyone into an even bigger school with children from loads of different schools! But don't worry your not alone everyone else on the first day will be feeling the exact same as you. Scared. I remember walking into my new form room on that first day feeling excited as well as nervous because it was a fresh start for me and for everyone else. I didn't really have many friends back in primary school, people used to bully me and even though I had friends I always felt lonely. When you walk into that classroom on that first day try not to be nervous instead turn the situation around, you're scared because its the first day of school but you should try and be excited because its a fresh start!
 The stuff you see in TV shows and movies about Secondary School are all stereotypes, "Bully's" don't steal your lunch money, people don't flush your head down the toilets it's all made up! Now I'm not going to lie there will always be mean people wherever you are at school, work, in public, but things as serious as what you see in TV shows don't happen (Or I hope they don't!) So just ignore what you see on TV about the negatives of school because the majority of it isn't true. If there are people who don't like you on that first day or any other day for that matter then they aren't worth your time. You will make friends in Secondary school even if you don't think you will, I used to think that I wouldn't make any friends at all but i did.
On that first day don't try hard to get people to like you just be yourself and trust me its better to be yourself than to be fake. 

                                                  Its okay to be scared:)

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